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Grand Rapids, Mich. – Aquinas College’s education program recently ranked in the top five of Michigan colleges by the Educator Preparation Institution’s (EPI) annual performance score. Aquinas earned an overall score of 91.1, compared to 89.5 in 2014.

“It is rewarding to see our education program continuously improve over the years,” said Aquinas College Provost Gilda Gely. “We have worked hard to prepare our students to be excellent educators as they leave our classrooms and enter their own. It is wonderful to see that we have made significant strides in preparing quality teachers.”

The Higher Education Act (HEA) requires that each state establish criteria and identify and assist teacher preparation institutions that are not performing at a satisfactory level. Criteria within the procedures include the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) test scores, new teacher efficacy surveys, supervisor validation of new teachers’ efficacy, program completion rates and an additional consideration regarding the program’s mission to be responsive to the state’s teacher preparation needs. Out of these criteria, the goals of the EPI’s performance score is to ensure that the institution has prepared candidates to be effective classroom teachers through exposure to content and pedagogy, ensure that the institution has the capacity to prepare teachers effectively and demonstrate continuous improvement related to Michigan Department Education (MDE)-specific priorities, and ensure that program graduates meet standards for teacher effectiveness.

“I think Aquinas has some of the best educators in the teacher preparation program. When you surround yourself with the best, you cannot help but learn to be the best,” said Aquinas education graduate Jackie Gipe ‘15. “The honesty, authenticity, passion and dedication found in our program is beyond compare, and I believe that is why I feel so well prepared to enter the education field.”