AQ student organization honored with Commendable Chapter and Green Chapter Awards
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Grand Rapids, Mich. - The Aquinas Chemistry Society (ACS) was one of five Michigan
schools to receive a Commendable Chapter award from the American Chemical Society
and one of two Michigan schools to be recognized with a Green Chapter Award. Students
from the Aquinas chapter were honored this spring at the American Chemical Society’s
national meeting in Denver.
The awards are based on ACS’s annual report, which outlines the chapter's activities
during the 2013-2014 academic year. Highlights include: Hosting campus events during
National Chemistry Week, organizing volunteer peer tutoring for students taking AQ
chemistry courses, inviting local fourth grade classes to Aquinas for a day of science
experiments and demonstrations, and participating in the local Chemistry at the Mall
event by hosting a booth and demonstrating chemistry for the public.
The Commendable Chapter award is the second-highest level of recognition for student
chapters. The awards are determined through a system of peer review by the faculty
advisors. The Green Chapter Award is determined by the American Chemistry Society’s
Green Chemistry Institute in a separate evaluation of the chapter annual report. This
award recognizes a chapter for significant contributions to implementing green chemistry
in technology and education.
ACS student officers from the 2013-2014 academic year have continued their work in
chemistry. Former club president Marissa Saladin ’14, a chemistry and math major,
is currently enrolled in the chemistry graduate program at Penn State University.
Former club vice president Anastasia McRoberts ’14, a biology major, is working as
a research and design technician for Ameriqual in Evansville, Illinois. Former club
secretary and current club vice president, Levi Nguyen ’15 has been accepted to and
will be starting medical school at the Michigan State University College of Human
Medicine. Former club treasurer and current club president Nick Pierce is continuing
his studies at Aquinas will be graduating with a chemistry major in May 2016.
The Aquinas Chemistry Society is a student chapter of the American Chemical Society,
the world's largest scientific professional society. An active and visible student
organization at Aquinas, the student chapter is open to AQ students from all majors
who enjoy chemistry.