Heritage & Traditions at Aquinas College
Aquinas College Hall of Fame Nomination and Selection Criteria
- Lived exemplary lives that reflected the core values of the college (prayer, study, service, community).
- Have shown life-long consistent commitment to the core values of the college.
- May be living or dead
- May be staff, faculty, alumni, friends of the college, or board of trustees members
- Long-term association with the college Longevity alone is not a sufficient criterion, but length of commitment to the institution, either as an employee or supporter should be a significant consideration.
- Significant contributions to the college:
- Faculty and staff:
- Service includes continuous excellence in the capacity for which they were hired (e.g. teaching, student development) and
- Additional service to the college above and beyond what was required in their job description. Examples could be staff members who volunteered to lead service-learning trips or faculty who developed new programs or initiatives.
- Friends, alumni, board of trustees members:
- Service includes ongoing support of the mission of the college, in the form of service and/or financial support.
- Exemplary service to or representation of the college above and beyond the normal commitment of friends, alumni, and board members.
- Faculty and staff:
- Significant contributions to the community at large:
- Volunteer activity in the community which exhibited leadership and vision and/or
- Made significant contributions to their field of endeavor over a lifespan.