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Last year, Aquinas hosted a panel discussion on end-of-life decisions, a challenging topic that every family will face over time. As a Catholic College in the Dominican tradition, Aquinas holds a vested interest in such issues, which move the deepest questions of human experience and faith. Building upon the panel’s success, the College has entered a collaborative effort with Hospice of Michigan, FOX 17, Merpi Media, and the Catholic Information Center to produce a television series to share educational, inspirational stories about end-of-life planning.

“Have You Had The Talk?” has aired for the past month on Thursdays at 10 p.m., on FOX 17, featuring informative testimonies and audience discussions. Past episodes are available for viewing online at FOX 17’s website.

On Thursday, February 27, FOX will air the final episode of “The Talk” at 6pm. This episode will serve as the culmination of the series, presenting audiences with a new perspective on the challenge of end-of-life planning.

For more information, please visit FOX 17’s website.